Daily Doodle for This Week
This week’s theme is “Extreme Makeover — Goldy Edition.”
This week’s theme is “Extreme Makeover — Goldy Edition.”
Zach has a new friend watching him at work.
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Paul and I went for a bar crawl on the first Saint Patrick’s Day. Hilarity ensued.
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Is winter over yet? I’m losing my ability to dress in any color other than black.
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If you’re all very good, I might just draw extra daily doodles for this theme.
Two things showed up today:
1) a cold snap
2) a case of beer, some of which suffered from elephantiasis.
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MC Chris, who voiced Hesh on Sealab 2021, is going to play Coffman at some point in the near future. When I saw the poster being designed I exclaimed with a mixture of joy and incredulity “Oh, MC Chris, that’s awesome!” I enjoyed Sealab 2021 immensely, and used to listen to three of his songs on a fairly regular basis. Since you’ve probably never heard “Fett’s Vette” or “The Tussin” — songs about Boba Fett and abuse of over the counter medication, respectively — you’d probably have to equate MC Chris to Monty Python or some third-string 1980s comedian from Saturday Night Live who did that character that made you laugh uncontrollably then, but now, uh, who knew he was touring, right?
Anyway, one of my coworkers heard me gush, however briefly and told the event planning staff that I was “really psyched” about the upcoming MC Chris show. Cue me getting asked repeated how excited I was and me replying that I had actually forgotten about the event.
I used to maintain extensive lists of my musical interests in the hopes that someone, somewhere would like Yuri Yunakov, Walt Mink, and Doomtree — just to name three. Even with automated production of such a list, it’s not worth it.
I spent the evening doing photographic activities, so I should clear out some old photos for your enjoyment to make room for future enjoyment of other photos.
Case in point, “Scarlett and Kumar go to Coffman”:
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Please stop sending me notices that someone is trying to reset my gmail password — especially since I am reading them in gmail itself. Obviously I have not forgotten my password.
Thank you.
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