I Said Maroon and Gold

I just wasn’t in the mood for flower photography today. Maybe I will reshoot all this tomorrow.

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The Weisman


Weisman Art Museum

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Laptop Light

The power went out towards the end of class today. Apparently I was the only person who had the childhood experience of making ooo ooo ghost noices when the lights were turned off in elementary school. The professor (no, not the real professor, but the PhD candidate who replaced the real professor for half the lectures) continued by flashlight, and the class lit their notes with either cell phones or their laptops.

I just got an email from Gerg, whose band (Dallas Orbiter) is playing Orchestra Hall at midnight on Friday, and then the Hexagon Bar at eleven on Saturday. There is a strong chance that I will be at both of those shows, because I am still their number one superfan, and both are free. I have not yet heard back about the proposed Tacos Morelos / Walker Art Center date, but if that works out for the weekend it will likely take precedence — although both shows are late enough that I would be free by then anyway.

Uh oh, looks like I can’t walk home from the Hexagon.

Oh, hey, Haley Bonar is playing the Turf Club tomorrow. I almost forgot. Of course, I have only listened to the one song, so even though that song is spectacular and breaks my heart into a fine dust, maybe I should check out some more before committing myself. Maybe I could live dangerously and visit Saint Paul AND Minneapolis in one night. Oh! I could even take the 16, just like old times!

Apparently this is the summer that I turn 20, not the summer that I turn 30.

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Sitting in a classroom on a sunny afternoon

With infinite apologies to Walt Mink.

Avoiding people’s eyes
Noticing how many different kind of shoes there are
Watching them go by

Full lyrics here

My class starts in five or ten minutes, but I will be splitting my attention between the minutiae of Turing Machines and the #gallery irc channel, where at least one of the students that I am mentoring for Google Summer of Code is currently trying to spit out his plan. I think that he has a reasonable handle on things, but like most programmers he needs to learn how to give status updates. I am included in that lot.

Can I split my attention three ways? Can I blog while paying attention to the irc channel while taking notes on the unsolveability of PCP? Probably not, so you, my loyal readership, will have to wait until after class and work for me to lay the shag carpet of language in this rec room of a website. I imagine that I will be doing something while babysitting Noah tonight, but that something might be playing at the park or watching Beauty and the Beast. In “Morgan’s Passing” by Anne Tyler, the puppeteers do “Beauty and the Beast,” but the beast does not change into a prince at the end.

Oh yeah, I printed out the Four Negations cover art (which still makes me laugh) and showed it to Andy. He told me that I have too much time on my hands. I don’t believe him, but I will consider it while dragging the kiddie pool up to my bedroom and soaking in it tonight. I think that the hose will reach through my window.

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Meet the new boss

We call him him “New Gabe.” I was listening to mp3s, but then he told me that he had found out the name of the song that I remembered from Radio K back in the day: “Make Me a Sandwich” by TS/MattiX, probably off of the Mechanical Man E.P. released on Deviant Subculture. Zach said that he would use his secret former-DJ powers to see if he could get more info for me so that I could acquire that song for my own nefarious uses. After that, I put on Radio K, and Zach told me to turn it off because his speakers were better, so he put it on. Gabe should be gone every day.

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This is how we do things in the country

I don’t know how many times I have listened to that Slim Cessna song.

Here’s what it looks like when I do my CSci 4011 homework. The salt is important to my productivity.

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Well, I thought about the Army

I finally got someone on the phone at One Stop (at the U) who discovered that my appeal to the hold on my financial aid had been marked as processed when really it had just been ignored. They put me on hold for a while and got it approved, so now my tuition will be covered by a loan to me! Hooray!

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Grad students

Oh yeah, there was no discussion of grad students tonight and I didn’t have any urge to bring up the subject. Time to listen to that song by Thomas Dolby. Yes, that could be construed as a cryptic reference — or maybe it’s just a straightforward reference.

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Police Officers on Horseback

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You may continue to attend the University at your own expense

It has been fifteen days, and I still haven’t heard back from the U about my financial aid appeal. I gotta go to class.

I’m totally joining the (army|marines) at the end of summer.

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