Just Another Manic Thursday

Therapy, work, Physics lab, then a Photography midterm followed by two or three hours in the lab. That was twelve hours.

Oh my goodness!

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Developing and Printing

I did not have a photo assignment to turn in last week, so I printed some random stuff after the lecture.

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I Roll Fifteens


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Speaking of Getting a Scratch


The doctor says that I can’t ride my bike for at least two weeks. Starting two days ago.

Ow. Ow. Ow. I think it’s time to take an 800mg ibuprofen tablet. Ow. Ow. Ow.

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Watermelon For Paul And Zach


The other day I had a sudden craving for watermelon, so I took some pictures while I gorged on it.

I’d post pictures of my car, but my camera is in Anoka.

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Dig My Own Grave

Saturday I went to help my mother with the pond in her backyard. Basically, she wanted me to dig up a willow tree and then extend her pond by removing many wagons full of black dirt. Don’t ask me where I put it.

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Welcome, Wisconsinites


We cleaned up here at work in honor of some visitors from Wisconsin, so I cleaned our jar of alien fetus.

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Lisa, It’s Your Birthday

Happy Birthday, Lisa!

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The New Place

Two weeks ago I moved Cake Woman into our new apartment. Lisa and my mom helped clean and pack, and eventually Cake Woman helped me load a few boxes. I think that I moved four loads with the pickup and the wagon by myself, but every time I tell the story I add another load to the list. I’m up to about 600 loads now.

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I Hope That You Like Peeps


There was Easter, and stuff happened. You know what happens to Peeps when you put them into the microwave.

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