Sick and Back Again

Sarah came to California to hand deliver the flu. I picked her up from the airport and installed her on my newish couch with soup, tea, orange juice, and her particular brand of incomprehensibly Australian soap opera involving sweaty wrestling cowboy brothers. Sarah’s fever doubled after watching two episodes, and by the time two deaths were faked she burst into flames.

“Don’t make fun of me!” she hollered as I chortled over the clairvoyance of one of the main sisters — or was it a cousin? A friend? I don’t know. In any case, by Saturday she was feeling mostly better so we went to the ocean.


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Noah and the Keathlys (and apparently Sarah) sent me a Halloween card with a temporary mustache tattoo enclosed. I am pleased.
Picture 7

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Let’s see some pictures! Yay!

I spent a week or so unpacking and decluttering in anticipation of a couple of guys spending a few days sleeping on my couch. In other news, I bought a couch one day. Don and I packed it into our two cars along with shelves, cushions, and other assorted IKEA detritus. I assembled it, and now finally I can twist Don’s arm until he comes to hang out at my place. I’ve even wound up and twist tied those cables in the box in the foreground. I can finally find that SCSI cable from 1996!

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Happy Halloween

Today there were guns and other funs in the suns. Tonight, we made this for your pleasure:

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Road Trip Day Three (and four): Yellowstone! (and Nevada)

I awoke in Cody, Wyoming and asked some locals if my intended route to the north end of Yellowstone would be scenic and fun to drive. The hotel clerk responded in the affirmative, noting that he would sometimes drive the route just for a fun drive. I set out on 120, skipped onto 296, which climbed and fell to ludicrous extent before meeting 212, which would carry me through Cooke City (where I had a hot dog, met a fellow Minnesota expatriate, and mailed several post cards.

Here’s the view from Dead Indian Pass, which is a ways into 296.

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Santa Cruz

Jay is in town for ZendCon, but on Sunday we had nothing to do. I suggested taking the long way to Santa Cruz, forgetting that he had been sitting all day. An hour and a half of white knuckle mountain roads later, we were at the beach. I really have to thank Jay for going with and patiently gripping the “oh shit” handle without complaint while I tried to drive us off of cliff after cliff.


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Road Trip Part Two

Day two broke across the Black Hills of South Dakota. I awoke and reloaded the car, eager to start the next leg of my journey: South Dakota to Yellowstone, or parts thereabout.


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Beach Blanket Jesse

On Friday, work took the day off to go to the beach. Since work is infested with hardcore cyclists, some of us chose to bike from Los Gatos to Santa Cruz. Since I enjoy cycling and am generally up for anything that won’t kill me, I jumped on the bandwagon and drove myself to Los Gatos with my bike wedged into the back seat.


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The Road Trip (part one)

Recently, I moved from Minnesota to California. You might already know this. You might also know that I drove my car and a load of my stuff myself. (the other four thousand pounds came via professional movers. Noah drew me a map, and drew a heart on the back of one of my hands and a smiley face on the other.

I called Radio K to request “Minneapolis” by that dog, but I didn’t get to hear it. So long, city.

I made it a point to call my mom and let her know where I was every time I stopped, and sometimes in between. I called the Keathlys, too. Sometimes I called and left messages on Sarah’s voicemail, even though it would be weeks before she would get back from Norway to hear them. The green fields of Minnesota gave way to golden South Dakota. I made it to the Badlands and called again.

“It’s beautiful here. I feel better,” I said. Both things were true.


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Doomtree at Grand Old Day

If you know me, you know that I love sweaty outdoor fairs, where mini donuts and cold beer flow like water. I went to Rock the Garden with Sarah, but that is not what this post is about — no, this post is about me conning Paul into going to Grand Old Day with me to see Doomtree.


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