
At the end of the day today I felt a bit off: panicky for no reason I could figure out. Somehow the VIC-20 bleeps I had found on youtube were breaking my heart. My mom called and asked if I still needed an air conditioner. By the time I got home I was nauseated. My apartment was seven degrees cooler than the outdoors, but walking in the door felt like stepping into a canvas bag — perhaps the bag that I woke up in two days ago. It had taken over two hours to claw my way to wakefulness.

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f start

This picture has nothing to do with the rest of the post, but “Battle Center” is an awesome name for a business. Unfortunately it is a church, which is not as fun as some sort of real life Pokemans challenge.

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Grand Old Day

Holy smokes: my feet are beat and my skin is burnt. I shot 932 pictures today. I have to go through them before I can plop them on the internets like a fancy chapeau on a pug dog, but I thought that you might like to know that I did indeed make it out to see Dessa and Tapes N [sic] Tapes.

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Last Time on Jesse Mullan

Memorial Day weekend was unexpectedly busy.

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Woke Up the Same So I Slept In Again

Picture pages picture page time to get your pens and your pixels.

This meat store is no more:

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Oh yeah, scantastic


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Sarah keeps calling it a “studio crawl,” but somehow that doesn’t conjure up the pomp and circumstance of live bands and other ridiculousness that happens in Northeast. There was much bicycle.

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Dear Brown Bicycle That Was Loitering Outside of My Building All Day

Lately I’ve been thinking that I need a relaxed boulevard cruiser with panniers big enough to transport a case of beer*. Lo and behold, someone left their brown cruiser unlocked in front of my building for an entire day.

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Dessa at Making Music

I went to the Making Music thing in the Whole Music Club at work. I had only my 50mm lens and my D30, so I had to walk around a lot to try to vary my shots. Plus, holy dark venue. Anyway, maybe this you enjoy, no?


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caffeine-free faux punk fatigues

These days if I’m not listening to Emily Haines I’m not listening to anything.

That’s neither here nor there. Nothing is due tomorrow and I have my computer set up, so I got pictures up for your viewing pleasure. Since it has been something like weeks, I know two things:
1) I owe everyone some pics
2) I need to take more pictures

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