Brush the dust off of the keyboard
Well, I’ve been writing like crazy in the past few weeks, but this particular keyboard is dusty. I spilled my water bottle on the wireless keyboard, so I am stuck on this other keyboard.
Well, I’ve been writing like crazy in the past few weeks, but this particular keyboard is dusty. I spilled my water bottle on the wireless keyboard, so I am stuck on this other keyboard.
Thank you for tasting like wonderful Christmas Trees.
I hope to steal some of this code to put album art up on my music page. Uh, I mean borrow. Or something. I really should go to bed now.
We have rigged a system of fans to blow cold air up the stairs into my bedroom, but it is still fairly muggy up here. I saw this roller dog in the street, and it was the first roller dog that I have been able to resist. Maybe if it had be verifyably cheddarwurst I might have… no!
I just thought that everyone should share the joy of a hot dog in the street.
I think that the aluminum foil is not a good enough conductor. My camera is requesting again that I change the battery pack. I should look for a strip of copper flashing or something.
I suppose that I could contact Canon, but that would be too effective! Where is the fun in that?
My camera was broken, so I will have to share other people’s photos. Look, there’s my head in the lower left!
You don’t want to see my mug, but I bought a shirt, so you gotta see me in it.
Maybe if you are all really nice to me I will relate the fucking orgasmic time I had at the Triple Rock. Hint: I could have jumped and touched John Kimbrough, and my leprosy would have been CURED. Just like that.
I gotta figure out what I can put my Walt Mink sticker on. What will I have for a long enough time that is of enough value to be graced with that sticker?
Note to self: what the hell is going on with Valley Lodge? This is plainly NOT Walt Mink. Sigh. I will just have to go out and buy additional copies of Colossus and possibly El Producto, as well as my first copy of Bareback Ride.
I think that the ROCK high is starting to wear off, so maybe I will be able to sleep. Will I take off the t-shirt? Ever?
Someone wrote on this ad, they replaced it, and there it was again. I think that it was meant to be — I only wish it was me.
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