You Can Pretend That This Is A Picture Of Art
I didn’t take any pictures of art because that would be stealing, like downloading mp3s illegally.
I didn’t take any pictures of art because that would be stealing, like downloading mp3s illegally.
I was considering doing a recurring series of photos of Port-O-Johnny-Biffs, but too many people already take pictures of crappers.
I am not allowing myself to volunteer for any new projects right now, including the rebuilding of nations. Why do you think I didn’t join the (Army|Marines)?
I only gave them $5. I feel bad, because I’m going to go spend a ton of money pretending to be cultured.
What am I saying? That’s not what I meant at all. Of course sluts are welcome. After all, I’m here.
I mean funnel cake!. I always make that mistake. Uh oh, if that’s the cake, where’s the spider?
Spike knew, and now so do you. The secret is the cold water bath, and this midieval torture device repurposed to manufacturing deliciousness.
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