I’m Losing My Edge

It’s only nine days until I turn 30. At that point I will be forced to do my closest impression of an adult. I could start wearing a tie again. I’ve been trying to write something about growing old all afternoon, but this is all that I could get down.

The only part of hangovers that I actually dislike is when my heart pounds and pounds.

Time to get my shit together and head off to Saint Cloud. I’m going to get revenge on my liver for some crimes that I will make up on the way. I don’t need justification.

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Palmcorder Yajna

Fucking sweet, amazon.com has this song available for download.

I don’t know if the lyrics mean anything at all but the song makes me feel good and sad and happy and all mixed up inside.

Hey, wait, you can also download it straight from the goats themselves, over here: http://www.weshallallbehealed.com/song.html.

Oh, and lyrics here: http://www.themountaingoats.net/lyrics/wsabh_lyr.html#yajna.

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Holt boulevard

I am so drunk right now. John and Jolene dropped me off. I don’t think that they knew how bad my hiccups would be, but such is the life of a PBR drinker. Not that I was drinking it before I got to Gerg’s house. Oh, I am such a fucking loser, to be drunk at another person’s 30th birthday. So many people were turning 30 in the next couple of weeks.

I can’t stop with the hiccups. I’m not irresponsible, I’ve just eliminated as much responsibility as I can.

I have the hiccups super bad.

There was some confirmation that I was cute tonight, but only from women who are dating my friends, and they might have been lying.

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I’m ready

Saddle ‘er up, let’s go for a ride!

I shaved and everything! Actually, funny story: while I was shaving, Stan played “Needle in the Hay.” Hilarity ensued.

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I’m a model!

I’m also a hand model somewhere on one of the sites that we do at work.

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King of Diamonds

jm d30 3171793

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A Caveman In A Spaceship.

A Caveman In A Spaceship.

All right, I finally got around to sitting down and really listening to Valley Lodge, partly because I offhandedly replied to an email from the singer and he replied back and was all funny and cool and it was really special and then all of a sudden he just stopped. Any way, he said that I could burn 500 copies of the Valley Lodge cd for all of my friends, which honestly would be approximately 490 more than I would really need, especially since most of the people that I know could just take the mp3s and play them on their respective mp3 playing devices.

Nonetheless, I listened with an open heart and the slightly dirty pop and rock of Valley Lodge won me over. The next thing that I knew I was completely addicted and listening to the songs over and over again, one by one. At first I was just digging on the stuff that I knew was from John Kimbrough, but the next thing that I knew I was obsessively repeating “If It Takes All Night” and “Over It” and “Hey.” Dave’s voice was seducing me, drawing me in to his world of love and loss, broken hearts and Karo emotions.

Dave’s blog is funnier but less prolific than mine.

It’s all request hour on Radio K. Now is your chance, unless I’m in the bathroom or visiting the poster by Gopher Express that features me. You know, hanging out. Maxing and relaxing.

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View from the top

IMG 1786

Yes, that’s an Apple Cinema display. Also, my boss is on the other side.

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IMG 1784

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Professional Wingman Services

So I’m going out tonight and I need a wingman. My boss (Zabe 1) suggested that I hire a professional, and that the professional should be female, since that is all the rage. Unfortunately, there is only one professional wingperson in the Twin Cities metro area (that I could find in thirty seconds of googling), and since she is cute I’d probably just spend the whole time checking her out.

Alternatively, I could take Stan or Lisa, but Stan is awfully quiet and would probably spend the whole time checking out the synthesizers on stage. Lisa likes to embarrass me when she gets drunk. Lisa likes to embarrass me when she’s sober, like when I brought home a woman, and she made Noah ask:
“Are you my new mommy?”

Actually, that was fucking hysterical, except that I am the sort of person who lives with a married couple and their three year old. Oh, now I’m sad again.

I think that I’m gonna go to the Varsity by myself and walk home afterwards. I will shave on Gerg’s behalf, I think.

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