What to take this fall?

It’s easy to pick your classes when you know how:

  • CSCI 2021 Machine Architecture and Organization
  • CSCI 4041 Algorithms and Data Structures
  • MATH 2243 Linear Algebra & Differential Equations
  • ARTS 1001W Concepts in Visual Art

It’s very likely that I will be taking my brain home in a baggie every day.

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Bright, bright, bright sunshiny day

Stan woke me up again this morning, but this time it was so I could talk to the totally awesome Qwest tech, who came out and ran his fingers over the wiring to unleash extra decibels of awesome out of the modem. This may or may not solve the rain problem, but it was nice to talk to someone who actually knew what the hell was going on.

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Never mind

Our records indicate that you are not currently enrolled in classes for the requested sales period at the University of Minnesota. In order to be eligible for a U-Pass, you must be currently enrolled in at least one class and have paid the transportation fee.

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The Weisman

I stopped by the Weisman after my final today and wandered around. The Frank Gehry stuff was okay, but the botanical illustrations blew my mind. I forgot to ask if I could take pictures, so I just snuck this one. If you want to see, you’ll have to go on your own, or with me. I like art and stuff.

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First a hot dog, then a hydrangea. Why always the same corner?

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Back from the dead

I guess whoever died just isn’t dead anymore, or they stopped mattering.

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Time to register for all new classes

I am very weird.

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Norm ditched me tonight

Fortunately, Paul is around. Unfortunately, he wants “Bacardi Razz” for orange sodie floats. It’s a good thing that the liquor store up here is open until 10. Glorious.

Oh yeah, my final either went awesomely, or I totally screwed it up because I didn’t actually understand it at all. HOORAY! FUCK!

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Serving a file with no extension as text/html

I have been unable to read the archives of the blog of my friend Kassie, because firefox doesn’t render those pages as html. I gave her some advice to fix it, but, uh, I didn’t want to write pages and pages of explanation because… uh… well, that’s complicated, but regular readers can probably put that all together. However, she linked to me, so I guess she doesn’t think that I’m too much of an asshole. As such, I’ll present the longer explanation, and it will be a nice lesson for even some of my web-savvy friends (who have been instructed to punch me in the nuts for doing this).

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