Portrait Work

Everyone likes having their picture taken, right? I finally hooked up the film scanner, so I got a start scanning my street port portrait work.

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Nonsequitor title

Brief excerpt that is informative and implies a touch of wry humor.

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We Gonna Party Like It’s Nineteen Ninety Six

Zach posted that blogging is en passé. I disagree, despite the sudden lack of updates from the blogs that I read last summer or the summer before. Wait: I exempt Kassie and CJ, who post about food, buses, and tearing down their house from the inside out.

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If It’s Too Loud, You’re Too Old

Zach quote of the day:

That sounds less like music and more like speaker damage.

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Ping Island

I picked Sarah up from the airport on Saturday. I bought us Sawatdee, then I watched The Devil Wears Prada while she slept, first on my shoulder, then in her bed. It was nice to have her home, even asleep.

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I got a fisheye Lomo for Xxx-mas.

Zach Zach Legomaniacal
Zach at work. This is why nothing gets done.

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Lord of the Flies

Lisa in in Hawaii right now, leaving just the boys behind to mind the house. Stan, Noah, and I are planning on spending tomorrow night drinking beers and watching sports on the TV while sitting on the couch in boxers and wife beater t–shirts. I fully expect that by next Wednesday we will be roasting whole chickens over an open fire in the middle of the living room while wearing naught but loincloths and war paint.

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In Former Soviet Russia, Tetris Plays YOU

I can’t watch an hour long video at work. I just can’t do it. Instead, I will post it so that I can watch it when I get home.

It’s the BBC. It’s Tetris. I’m considering leaving right now so that I can watch it when I get home

(video after the jump — the cut)

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Penny Dish Wish

Every day I shop at the Gopher Express convenience store in the basement of Coffman (where I work). Since Minnesota has a dearth of fountains, and in the winter they tend to be empty, I came up with a new superstitious activity: I make a wish every time I throw a penny in the “Need a Penny Take a Penny Have a Penny Leave a Penny” dish. Some days I throw three or four in and make a different wish each time.

It’s an effective barometer and predicts my emotional weather. I won’t tell you what I actually wish for, because then it won’t come true (just because I don’t believe in the supernatural doesn’t mean that I’m not superstitious), but you should totally tell me what you wish for, because I am nosy, and if you tell me, I might just grant your wish.

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Now, I have become Robot, the destroyer of worlds

Last week Zach stumbled upon 8 bit peoples. On that site they have collected the best bleeping music ever. Ever ever. You want your SID chips, Coleco sounds, Nintendo breakbeats? You got ‘em.

I am nerd, hear me bleep.

Over the weekend, Zach downloaded 1.4 gigabytes of bleeping. Cue worktime freakout dance moves.

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