Brush the dust off of the keyboard

Well, I’ve been writing like crazy in the past few weeks, but this particular keyboard is dusty. I spilled my water bottle on the wireless keyboard, so I am stuck on this other keyboard.

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Pictures from a pretty day

A dragonfly

A rose

A gnome

A… wait a minute, what in the hell is that?

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Dear Gin and Tonic

Thank you for tasting like wonderful Christmas Trees.

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Here’s some flowers

I took a walk today, and, uh, I’m still used to photographing flowers, so you get ‘em, even if you aren’t the “I like pictures of flowers” type.

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Satisfactory Academic Progress

If you’re wondering, I am still waiting to hear about my appeal to my financial aid suspension because of my unsatisfactory academic progress. In the fall semester I was on the magical Dean’s list, and last semester I pulled a 3.33333 (repeating) out of some orifice, which wasn’t enough to get my name on the bulletin board of the CLA advising offices, but was satisfactory under my standards. I got notice on June 6th and it is now very nearly July. I had better hear soon, or I will be joining the army come fall — maybe the marines. Cast your vote for which organization will best transform me from a mere evil robot into an unstoppable killing machine. By “cast your vote” I mean “tell me to just get a job at Chick-Fil-A.” In my non-shaving days I had a moustache (and beard) but I have not yet had a mullet. Yes, this is all just a Ben Folds reference. Sigh.

Oh yeah, there is the strong possibility that I will not only get an A in Digital Photography (already done) but also Formal Languages and Automata Theory. That assumes that I do the homework. I swear I will.

Oh yeah, the satisfactory academic progress has little to do with my GPA and everything to do with all those classes I withdrew from in 1996 and 1997. Yes, I’m due to graduate in 2008, which means that I am on the twelve year plan.

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I hope to steal some of this code to put album art up on my music page. Uh, I mean borrow. Or something. I really should go to bed now.

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Paul is hot

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Even the air is sweaty

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When I say hot, this is what I mean

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We have rigged a system of fans to blow cold air up the stairs into my bedroom, but it is still fairly muggy up here. I saw this roller dog in the street, and it was the first roller dog that I have been able to resist. Maybe if it had be verifyably cheddarwurst I might have… no!

I just thought that everyone should share the joy of a hot dog in the street.

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Another camera update

I think that the aluminum foil is not a good enough conductor. My camera is requesting again that I change the battery pack. I should look for a strip of copper flashing or something.

I suppose that I could contact Canon, but that would be too effective! Where is the fun in that?

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