Burrito Loco
What’s the URL for Burrito Loco in Dinkytown, Minneapolis, Minnesota?
There’s your answer.
What’s the URL for Burrito Loco in Dinkytown, Minneapolis, Minnesota?
There’s your answer.
I finally received the new Cake CD in the mail today. It is festooned with the new FBI anti-piracy logo. I haven’t listened to it yet, but I couldn’t help laughing.
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I’m freakin’ tired.
This week I have been leaving for campus between nine and ten, and arriving at home between nine and ten. That’s a long time, especially considering that I haven’t been packing lunch in advance or anything - I’m basically there for three meal’s worth of time, or at least one. Okay, two, but I’ve just been have a quick slice of pizza from downstairs in the Coffman Union. Surprisingly good, but one slice and a bottle of juice for $5 seems like a little much to me. That’s the price of convenience.
Also, my backpack is like 500 pounds when fully laden, which is always. It’s my anti-freshman fifteen policy. So far, so good.
Though the weather outside is frightful… Oh! Wait, I mean, the weather outside is beautiful, and I was up at the crack of nine to go into my new place of employment.
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Hey, I finally got around to moving this site onto a newer, faster server. Awesome!
What happens when you try to display text encoded in one character set in another character set? Garbage characters. I'm working on a migration module for gallery - to upgrade from one type of data storage to a completely different one. Along the way I keep learning about character sets and character set conversion. Here's a lovely set of words for something that I would rather not see - garbled, junky international text.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: (paraphrased)
文字化け: [mojibake] moji: character + bake: change/ghost.
亂碼 or 乱码: [luan4 ma3] “chaotic code(s)”, in Chinese.
крокозябра [krokozyabry]: The Russian term for mangled characters.
Do you have the Tibetan language pack installed?
It looks like I don't.
Part I:
Part II: http://www.redlinerants.com/index.php?subaction=showfull&id=1088581422
Part III: http://www.redlinerants.com/index.php?subaction=showfull&id=1089705299
Just for the heck of it, remember that we did do some good in Iraq:
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