It’s a Party!
From #gallery:
bharat gets a drink
jmullan goes to get beer #2
thumb goes to get second beer
Oh yeah, Monk is drunk on the episode that I am watching on the tv.
From #gallery:
bharat gets a drink
jmullan goes to get beer #2
thumb goes to get second beer
Oh yeah, Monk is drunk on the episode that I am watching on the tv.
Lisa asked me what I wanted for my birthday. When Melissa used to ask me what I wanted, my response was always the same:
A Blow Job
Somehow I don’t think that would be appropriate to ask for from Lisa.
Lisa brought Noah upstairs to show me his lovely dress. He’s a princess and Lisa is a King. Then, Noah wanted to hear Brendan Benson. Happy to mother fucking oblige, little man. He danced. Lisa gave me a random hug. What’s that about?
Post Title From Walt Mink - Settled
Having night terrors? Waking up screaming? I will stay on your couch so that you can get to sleep before it gets light out. All the people about whom I really care hide deep wounds. I handle news of rape and abuse with cool and calm. Tell me your tragedy and I will be the most mature person you have ever met. I am a mountain of strength.
bharat: rule #1: no more than 2 blog entries a day.
bharat: jmullan: quality > > > quantity
Starting tomorrow I will follow this new ruleset, so today I smoke the rest of the pack of blog entries all at once. Prepare for the onslaught!!!
Those of you who obsessively reload my site all day will just have to suffer. Have you tried an rss reader?
My boss and I want to develop an old school side scrolling video game where you clear bums and incoming freshmen from a student union. Part Super Mario Brothers, part Double Dragon, part Street Fighter III, part Mortal Kombat II, and all awesome.
Strong Bad has advice for me:
Gerg’s gf gave me some different advice for the lady…ing:
You should mess up your hair, and get rid of the socks. Maybe… flip flops? Unless you have weird feet.
The only thing weird about my feet is that I wear size nine wide shoes.
Zach got me all hopped up on Sixlets today. Then I crashed super hard and got all mopey. THANKS!
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