On taking pictures at a catastrophe
I told you that Alec Soth has a blog. He posted about the bridge thing, so I started to leave a long comment, but then I remembered that I have my own blog, so rather than stop up his works, I’ll stop up my own.
I told you that Alec Soth has a blog. He posted about the bridge thing, so I started to leave a long comment, but then I remembered that I have my own blog, so rather than stop up his works, I’ll stop up my own.
I’ve been so dramatic lately that you’d think I was a theater major. I’ve been forgetting my true purpose: posting random images for you, the viewing public, to enjoy in 400 pixel glory.
Case in point, hydrangeas and a bee:
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paul: what are you like 63 today?
me: 64
me: god
me: you’re as bad as my dad
My therapist recommended that I “try something different.” I’m taking his advice and buying some Zubaz, because you can’t rock a creepy moustache without Zubaz. I had to add both “Zubaz” and “moustache” to the spelling dictionary in Firefox to write this post.
Laura Veirs can turn a phrase. Her new album is great.
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If you couldn’t tell from the last post, I am abandoning the idea of an art minor.
For the fall I am signed up for:
AmSt 3253W - Pop cult and politics
Anth 3019 - Hisp Cult of Lat Am
Dear Gawkers who are trying to see the bridge from the Franklin Avenue Bridge,
1) Mousetraps!
2) 500G external hard drive! (my image drive is full AND crashing)
3) Paul got a new camera!
4) I forget.
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